Converting to black and white digitally includes a range of benefits. With film, the black and white conversion primarily happened at the time of shooting. If you needed to vary the character of the black and white conversion, you'll solely have sex by putting a colored filter on the lens (a red filter, for example, makes blue skies a lot of darker).
Now, by beginning with a color image and changing it to black and white in Photoshop, you've got complete management over the conversion. Darkening a wild blue yonder is straightforward, once you recognize however, and you'll decide specifically however dark you wish it to be.
The best cameras for black and white photography ar digital SLRs. For the simplest doable conversion, begin by shooting in RAW. Then, in your RAW conversion package, output the image as a sixteen bit squabble file. sixteen bit files have plenty additional info to figure with than eight bit files, that makes for a stronger conversion with sander tonal graduations.
Most digital SLRs (and some compacts) have a black and white mode. The camera is creating the conversion for you, and also the results ar typically poor, giving flat, washed out photos. Avoid this mode, and use the subsequent techniques instead.
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